Atkins Plus Protein Low Carb Shake Iced Coffee 400ml
Metcash Order # 679493
Case Quantity: 6 x 400ml
UPC: 5060074634070
Merchandise & Ranging Support Only / Please Order Direct via Metcash Warehouse
The team at Atkins believe it’s far more important to know what your body does with what you eat. The Atkins way satisfies the body, creating greater energy, higher metabolism, and less stored fat. Our purpose is to improve global health by becoming how a healthier world eats. And to help people understand that eating right is about both losing weight and becoming healthy.
- #1 Weight Mgt. Brand
- Instantly Recognisable Branding
- Low Carbohydrate | Low Sugar
- 14% Category Growth
- 63% Adults Overweight | Obese
- New Focus On Healthy Lifestyle
- More Than Just Weight Loss
The Atkins Mission: Learning to Eat Right! Make eating right a part of everyday life through our advocacy, education, innovation and products.